

伊万·麦克格雷格否认《星战》欧比旺独立电影传闻 - 欧比旺:星球大战外传

欧比旺扮演者伊万·麦格雷戈(Ewan McGregor)日前再次表示他很乐意回归出演这个角色,但他目前暂没有接到这部衍生电影的拍摄计划。


在今年早些时候,有消息称欧比旺独立电影已经正式开始制作,该片将成为《星球大战第四集:新希望(Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope)》的前传电影。故事背景设置在塔图因星,讲述欧比旺·克诺比(Obi-Wan Kenobi)的逃亡生活。

A CERTAIN POINT OF VIEW: Luke's reunion with Obi-Wan's Force ghost in Return of the Jedi is definitely a memorable moment for both characters, if not exactly the brightest point in Obi-Wan's long career. Here he finally acknowledged what he had kept from Luke for all those years - that Darth Vader is Luke's father. Obi-Wan imparted an important bit of Jedi wisdom - that truth depends on a person's point of view. But at the same time, we have to wonder if this bit of deception feeds into Luke's decidedly anti-Jedi stance in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Ultimately, it all comes down to... your point of view.

伊万在采访中接着补充道:“既然他们要拍衍生系列,那必须得说出一个好故事,很可能在我与亚历克·吉尼斯(Alec Guinness)之间有个好的欧比旺故事。”

